For several decades the main attraction on Hatteras Island was the incredible fishing opportunities. Our remote island is the closest position to the warm flowing Gulf Stream waters north of Miami. Fish following the Gulf Stream north to escape the extremely hot southern summer water temps come directly to Hatteras. Uniquely, the Labrador Current flows north to south bringing many cold water fish species down along the East Coast also. This is a perfect scenario for fisherman.
Fantastic surf fishing was the main draw to the Avon/Buxton areas of Hatteras Island. With miles and miles of accessible drivable beaches, this area was growing quickly with a huge demand on local businesses to supply these fishing vacationers. A few years ago the National Park Service began closing many Hatteras Island beaches to protect bird and turtle nesting. While the NPS claimed the beaches were open, in reality they were actually inaccessible by vehicle or foot traffic because they were blocked on three sides with roped off bird and turtle sanctuaries. Today many of those beaches have been reopened and bird and turtle sanctuaries have been adjusted to allow anglers access to open beaches.
Since Avon has many rental properties along the oceanfront, fortunately some of the beach areas within Avon have remained open to foot traffic during the summer months. Surf fishing vacationers can find a walkover point somewhere on the Avon dunes and hike to a spot on the Avon beaches. It is wise to check the National Park Service website's Beach Access Maps before making plans to use a particular beach.
Another productive spot to fish in Avon for visitors is always the Avon Pier. The Avon Fishing Pier is a place for all to enjoy. Novice and experienced anglers alike can drop a line into the Atlantic Ocean and participate in the fantastic fishing. Sightseers are also welcome on the pier so make some new friends and enjoy the ocean breezes while experiencing Avon from a completely different vantage point.
If your life's dream is having the opportunity to catch a really big fish than Hatteras is the right place to try and it is only a 17 mile drive from Avon. Hatteras has fleets of beautiful charter boats with professional captains and mates that specialize in offshore fishing for such giants as tuna, wahoo, marlin, sailfish and mahi. Chartering is as simple as a phone call to the right boat captain. He will discuss things like how far offshore you would like to venture and what you would like to catch. Hatteras fleets have charter boats that will fish either inshore or offshore and are priced accordingly.
Guess what? You don't need to spend over $2000 chartering a 44' yacht just to catch a lot of nice fish at Cape Hatteras! We fish with light manageable tackle for Red Drum, Speckled Trout, Gray Trout, Cobia, Flounder and more. We cater to families, individuals, youngsters, experts and novices. Just anyone who wants the excitement of feeling a nice hard fighting and good tasting fish on their line. We provide everything including a 40 year Cap[e Hatteras experienced expert guide/captain, all fishing licenses, all fishing gear and fresh bait. Read about our Hatteras "light tackle" Pamlico Sound charters on our Speck-Tackler website.